Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

What is Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation?

Sapphire FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation is a variation of the standard FUE technique that involves the use of specially crafted blades or needles made of sapphire for creating the recipient sites or incisions in the recipient area.

In traditional FUE, the recipient sites are typically created using steel or metal instruments. However, with Sapphire FUE, the surgeon utilizes blades or needles made from sapphire, which is a precious gemstone known for its hardness, sharpness, and biocompatibility. These sapphire blades have a V-shaped or U-shaped design and come in various sizes to match the dimensions of the hair follicles being transplanted.

The use of sapphire blades in FUE offers several potential advantages:

1. Precision: Sapphire blades allow for more precise and controlled incisions, resulting in smaller and more refined recipient sites. This precision contributes to a more natural-looking hairline and minimizes trauma to the scalp.

2. Reduced Trauma: The sharpness of sapphire blades enables smoother and cleaner incisions, reducing tissue trauma during the transplantation process. This can potentially lead to quicker healing and less post-operative discomfort.

3. Customizability: The variety of sizes available for sapphire blades allows the surgeon to create recipient sites that match the size and angle of the individual hair follicles. This customization enhances the aesthetic outcome of the hair transplant.

4. Minimized Risk of Complications: The biocompatibility of sapphire reduces the risk of complications such as infection and inflammation. The smooth surface of the blades also helps minimize tissue damage during the incision process.

It’s important to note that while Sapphire FUE offers potential advantages, the overall success and quality of the hair transplant procedure depend on various factors, including the surgeon’s expertise, the quality of the extracted grafts, and proper post-operative care.

If you are considering Sapphire FUE hair transplantation, it’s recommended to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon who can evaluate your specific case, discuss the technique’s suitability for you, and provide personalized recommendations based on your individual needs and goals.

How is the Sapphire FUE operation performed?

The Sapphire FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) operation is performed using specialized blades or needles made of sapphire, a precious gemstone known for its hardness and sharpness. Here’s a general overview of how the Sapphire FUE procedure is typically performed:

1. Initial Consultation: The process begins with an initial consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will assess your hair loss pattern, examine the donor area (typically the back or sides of the scalp) to determine the availability of healthy hair follicles, and discuss your goals and expectations.

2. Donor Area Preparation: On the day of the surgery, the donor area is usually trimmed to a short length to facilitate the extraction process. The area is then cleaned and sterilized.

3. Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the donor area and the recipient area where the hair follicles will be transplanted. This ensures that the procedure is comfortable and virtually painless.

4. Extraction of Hair Follicles: Using the specially designed sapphire blades or needles, the surgeon creates tiny incisions around individual hair follicles in the donor area. The blades’ sharpness and precision allow for accurate incisions, minimizing trauma to the surrounding tissue. The hair follicles are then carefully extracted using microsurgical instruments, typically in groups of one to four follicles, known as follicular units.

5. Graft Preparation: Once the hair follicles are extracted, they are carefully inspected and prepared for transplantation. This involves separating them from any excess tissue and protecting them in a suitable storage solution to maintain their viability.

6. Recipient Site Creation: Using the same sapphire blades, the surgeon creates recipient sites or incisions in the recipient area where the hair follicles will be transplanted. The size, angle, and direction of these sites are carefully planned to achieve natural-looking results and mimic the existing hair pattern.

7. Hair Follicle Implantation: The prepared hair follicles are then meticulously placed into the recipient sites, taking care to ensure proper depth, orientation, and alignment. This process requires precision and attention to detail to achieve optimal density and natural-looking results.

8. Post-operative Care: After the transplant is complete, the surgeon will provide instructions on post-operative care, which may include guidelines for cleaning the scalp, managing any discomfort or swelling, and avoiding activities that could disturb the grafts. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor the progress of healing and hair growth.

It’s important to note that the exact technique and variations of the Sapphire FUE procedure may vary among different surgeons and clinics. The procedure’s success and outcome depend on the surgeon’s skill, experience, and the overall quality of the transplantation process.

It’s recommended to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon who can provide you with detailed information about the specific steps involved in the Sapphire FUE procedure based on your individual case. They will guide you through the process and address any specific concerns or questions you may have.

Who is the most suitable candidate for Sapphire FUE hair transplant?

The suitability of a candidate for Sapphire FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is determined on an individual basis. However, in general, the following factors are considered when assessing the suitability of a candidate for Sapphire FUE:

  • Sufficient Donor Hair: The candidate should have an adequate amount of healthy donor hair available, typically from the back or sides of the scalp. This donor area should have good hair density and follicles that are resistant to the effects of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness.
  • Stable Hair Loss: It is important that the candidate’s hair loss has stabilized. This means that the pattern of hair loss has become predictable and is no longer rapidly progressing. Stable hair loss ensures that the transplanted hair follicles will remain in place and not be affected by ongoing hair loss in the recipient area.
  • Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the potential outcomes of the procedure. They should understand that while Sapphire FUE can provide significant hair restoration, the results may vary based on factors such as the extent of hair loss, existing hair characteristics, and individual response to the procedure.
  • Good General Health: Candidates should be in overall good health, as they will undergo a surgical procedure. It is important to disclose any medical conditions, ongoing medications, or allergies to the hair transplant surgeon during the initial consultation.
  • Adequate Scalp Characteristics: The candidate’s scalp should have suitable characteristics for successful transplantation. Factors such as scalp laxity (flexibility), scalp thickness, and the condition of the scalp skin play a role in the feasibility and success of the procedure.
  • Age Considerations: While there is no specific age limit for Sapphire FUE, candidates should be at least in their late teens or early twenties to ensure that their hair loss pattern has become established. The surgeon will evaluate the candidate’s age and consider factors such as long-term hair loss progression and potential future hair loss when determining candidacy.

It is important to note that the final determination of suitability for Sapphire FUE is made by a qualified hair transplant surgeon. They will conduct a thorough examination, assess your specific case, and provide personalized recommendations based on your individual circumstances and goals.

During the initial consultation, it is crucial to openly communicate your expectations, medical history, and concerns with the surgeon. This will help the surgeon assess your candidacy accurately and provide appropriate advice regarding the best course of action for your hair restoration journey.

What is FUE?

FUE (follicular unit extraction, or sometimes referred to as follicular unit transplantation) is a type of hair transplant surgery that involves extracting individual hair follicles from a donor part of the body, usually the sides and back of the head.

These individual follicles are then implanted in the areas that are affected. Typically, with the men suffering from male pattern baldness this will be the classic horseshoe area.

How does it work?

During the process, individual follicles – typically between 1 and 4 hairs – are removed under local anaesthesia. The extraction procedure utilises a micro surgical extraction instrument, between 0.6mm and 1.0mm in diameter, to remove the follicles.

The surgeon, using specialist micro surgical needles, then punctures the scalp area that is to receive the grafts. Our surgeons are experts at blending the hair in, inserting the grafts at an angle and density that matches the original hair, so it will resemble a natural and realistic hair pattern.

How long does it take?

An FUE hair transplant can be undergone in either one long session, or several smaller sessions. It tends to be more time consuming than strip surgery, but does not leave the obvious and typical scars that strip surgery does The length of time for an FUE procedure can vary, but it usually depends on how many grafts are needed. A smaller procedure, where only around 200 grafts are needed, can be completed in a couple of hours. However, a larger procedure of around 2,500 to 7,000 grafts will require a session that stretches over one day.

How long does it take to recover?

Unlike strip surgery, FUE hair transplantation does not require large areas of the scalp to be harvested. There is also no linear incision on the back of the head, nor does it leave a linear scar.

As individual follicles are removed, it only leaves small, puncture scars, which are practically invisible to the naked eye. There is hardly any post-surgical pain and discomfort – with the average recovery time being less than 7 days.

How long do results last?

Once you have undergone FUE, the results are permanent. While the initial transplanted hair will shed a few weeks after treatment, it will grow back strong and healthy.

Sapphire Micro Fue Method

Many medical teams use razor blades while opening the holes onto which the hair grafts will be inserted. If you cut the skin with razor, the wound heals slow and the result is bloody. We do not use razor. We use special sapphire tools which are very tiny. FUE performed with sapphire blades is not a technique, it is an innovation implementing a new process within the FUE method.

Now it is possible to perform a hair transplant operation with needle-free injectors with almost no pain by the usage of special anesthetic devices.
These special devices deliver the anesthetic agents into deeper layers of the skin by using pressure to transport the active substance.

Needle-free injector requires a shorter duration for the anesthetic to take effect when compared with conventional needle syringe systems. For this reason, patients feel more comfortable when anesthetic agents are administered via needle-free injectors.

The liquid jet system that enables anesthesia to be administered without needle syringe systems, when compared with needle syringes, results in a wider distribution of the medication and spread evenly in depth.

Individuals who have fear of injection-related pain and therefore hesitate on having a hair transplant can readily undergo an operation now thanks to this new application of local anesthetics.

The benefits are:

  • We can open micro holes, so that more grafts can be inserted, so you will have more dense hair rather than usual FUE hair transplant.
  • The wounds heal in a short time, so that you can get back to work and life very quick.
  • No pain and no bloody look
  • Very natural results

What is FUE Hair Transplant Performed With Sapphire Blades?

The increase in technology advancements taking place each passing day, has paved the way for the development of new, innovative hair transplant techniques as well as hair loss treatments.

Hair transplantation that has progressed and evolved dramatically over the years, transforming into a well-established and minimally invasive surgical procedure, has taken its final form in-line with the more efficient utilization of new medical devices.

The FUE method with, which is considered one of the most modern and commonly used hair transplant techniques, ensuring natural-looking results, has carried its success one step further through the utilization of special devices with sapphire blades.

Sapphire FUE versus Classic FUE

The difference between Sapphire FUE and Classic FUE regarding the opening of micro-channels

FUE, which is conducted by using blades made from a precious gemstone called sapphire, is defined as the utilization of special sapphire blades instead of steel blades during the process of creating incisions within the recipient site.

FUE performed with sapphire blades is not a technique, it is an innovation implementing a new process within the FUE method.

The blades are designed to minimize scab formation and speed up the recovery process through opening smaller micro channels within the recipient site for transplantation.

In FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) conducted with sapphire blades, after the patient is administered local anesthesia, hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area by the utilization of a micro motor with micro punches in sizes of 0,6 – 0,7 – 0,8 diameters.

With the FUE method, the extracted hair follicles should be transplanted into the incisions that have been created.

These channels have a major influence on the density, angle and direction of hair growth, which are the determinants of obtaining a natural appearance.

For this reason, opening of the channels is considered to be the most important process for a successful operation.

The best possible way to open micro channels can now be achieved through the utilization of sapphire blades.

Hair follicles will be transplanted into these channels.

The small incisions, which are at the same length of hair follicles, are created using sharp, smooth and durable sapphire blades varying in sizes of 1,0 -1,3 – 1,5 mm. As a result more channels can be opened, enabling the hair follicles to be transplanted more closer to each other.

Some hair transplant centers claim that they can transplant 60-70 follicular units per square centimeter at which they would provide the patient with natural looking and dense hair.

Neither sapphire blades nor steel blades, can make it possible to obtain such high graft density.

Because, in order to create a natural-looking appearance, hair follicles must be transplanted taking into account the accurate angle and direction of hair growth.
If 60-70 follicular units per square centimeter were to be transplanted, it would be impossible to achieve a natural outcome, because creating incisions in alignment with the proper growth direction of the hair follicles would be prevented by such density.

The natural angle of hair growth is 40-45 degrees.

If hair follicles are transplanted perpendicular to the scalp, at the cost of obtaining density, this will create a pluggy look with unnatural results.

The Advantages of FUE Performed with Sapphire Blades in Comparison With Steel Blades:

  • Owing to its qualities such as smooth surface with antibacterial properties, hardness, sharpness and durability, when using sapphire blades for the process of opening micro channels, vibration will be reduced thus, the risk of complications such as trauma and scalp tissue damage will also be reduced.
  • In comparison with steel blades; FUE performed with sapphire blades enables more dense transplantation, which makes it possible for individuals with advanced hair loss to undergo a hair transplant procedure.
  • Using sapphire blades enables to achieve more density thus, creating a more natural-looking appearance.
  • In comparision with steel blades, sapphire blades allows to inject lesser tumescence-a special fluid to lift the skin from the bone- prior to making incisions. As a result, fluid retention experienced after the surgery will be reduced thus, making the post-operative phase more comfortable for the patients.
  • As incisions created for the transplantation process will be more smaller, tissue recovery will be faster in comparison with using steel blades, but most importantly the bonded skin will have a smooth surface.
  • As a result of opening the channels at the same length of hair follicles, it is not possible for the follicles to become dislodged and their angle allignment to be altered after the transplantation process.

When a method is well-known and generally accepted, the following phase that people tend to expect from the method, is to deliver ‘perfection driven by quality’.
Over time hair transplants also followed a similar path and have advanced to an improved state, undergoing the necessary transformation to finially achieve the ‘perfect look’.

FUE; a hair transplantation method in use since 2004, has become the most generally accepted hair transplant technique worldwide.

Now it’s time to focus on satisfying patient expectations and to prioritize their needs with respect to quality and perfection. This expectation regarding the outcome of a hair transplant in terms of quality and perfection, has been fulfilled by performing the FUE technique utilizing sapphire blades.

The FUE technique with sapphire blades, which is conducted at Elexus Clinic offers natural, successful and aesthetically pleasing results. If you would like to receive more information on FUE with sapphire blades or ask for a consultation, you can always contact us.

Is Sapphire Fue Hair Transplant a Permanent Solution?

Yes, Sapphire FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is generally considered a permanent solution for hair loss. The transplanted hair follicles are typically resistant to the effects of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness. These DHT-resistant follicles are extracted from the donor area and transplanted into areas experiencing hair loss or thinning.

Once transplanted, these follicles continue to grow hair in their new location. They retain their inherent resistance to DHT, which means they are less susceptible to the same pattern of hair loss that affected the original hair in the recipient area.

It’s important to note that while the transplanted hair is generally permanent, hair loss may still occur in other areas of the scalp that were not treated with the transplant. This is because the procedure targets specific areas where hair loss has already occurred or is likely to occur based on the pattern of hair loss.

Additionally, the success and longevity of the results can depend on various factors, including the surgeon’s skill and technique, the quality of the transplanted follicles, proper post-operative care, and individual factors such as the progression of hair loss and overall health.

It’s also worth mentioning that natural age-related hair thinning or hair loss that occurs beyond the treated areas may still continue even after the hair transplant. It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that while the transplanted hair is considered permanent, the overall hair situation can change with time.

To get a better understanding of the potential permanence of the results and how it applies to your specific case, it’s recommended to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. They can assess your individual circumstances, evaluate the extent of your hair loss, and provide personalized information and guidance regarding the expected longevity of the results based on your unique situation.

Is Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation done in Turkey?

Yes, Sapphire FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation is commonly performed in Turkey. Turkey has gained a reputation as a popular destination for hair transplant procedures, including the Sapphire FUE technique. The country has developed a strong medical tourism industry, attracting patients from around the world seeking high-quality and affordable hair transplant services.

Turkish clinics and surgeons have been at the forefront of hair transplantation advancements and have extensive experience in performing various techniques, including Sapphire FUE. Many clinics in Turkey offer state-of-the-art facilities, skilled medical professionals, and competitive pricing, making it an attractive choice for individuals seeking hair restoration procedures.

The availability of trained surgeons, advanced medical infrastructure, and the concentration of hair transplant clinics in cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Antalya contribute to Turkey’s prominence in the field of hair transplantation. Patients often travel to Turkey specifically to undergo hair transplant procedures, including Sapphire FUE, due to the combination of expertise, affordability, and the opportunity to enjoy the country’s cultural and touristic attractions.

However, it’s important to thoroughly research and choose a reputable clinic or surgeon in Turkey for your hair transplant procedure. Look for clinics with a track record of successful results, positive patient reviews, and appropriate certifications and accreditations. Consulting with a qualified hair transplant specialist and conducting thorough due diligence can help ensure a safe and satisfactory experience if you decide to undergo Sapphire FUE hair transplantation in Turkey.

F.A.Q About Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation

What is Sapphire FUE hair transplantation?

Sapphire FUE is a hair transplantation technique that utilizes specially crafted blades or needles made of sapphire to create recipient sites during the procedure.

How is Sapphire FUE different from traditional FUE?

Sapphire FUE uses sapphire blades or needles instead of metal instruments to create recipient sites. The use of sapphire allows for more precise incisions and potentially improved healing.

Does Sapphire FUE provide better results than traditional FUE?

The choice between Sapphire FUE and traditional FUE depends on individual factors. While Sapphire FUE offers potential advantages in terms of precision and healing, the overall results depend on various factors, including the surgeon’s skill and the quality of the transplantation process.

Is Sapphire FUE a painful procedure?

Local anesthesia is administered during Sapphire FUE, so the procedure itself is typically not painful. However, some discomfort or soreness may be experienced during the healing process.

Are there any additional benefits to choosing Sapphire FUE?

Some potential benefits of Sapphire FUE include more refined incisions, potentially faster healing, reduced scarring, and a higher degree of customization in creating recipient sites.

How long does it take to recover from Sapphire FUE?

The recovery period varies for each individual, but most people can resume their normal activities within a few days. Complete healing and hair growth can take several months.

Are the results of Sapphire FUE natural-looking?

When performed by an experienced surgeon, Sapphire FUE can provide natural-looking results. The precision of the incisions and the ability to customize the recipient sites contribute to a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.

What are the potential risks or complications of Sapphire FUE?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with Sapphire FUE, including infection, bleeding, scarring, and temporary shock loss. However, these risks are generally minimized when performed by a skilled surgeon in a sterile environment.

How long does the transplanted hair take to grow after Sapphire FUE?

The transplanted hair typically goes through a shedding phase within the first few weeks. New hair growth usually begins within 3 to 4 months, and full results are usually noticeable within 9 to 12 months.

Is Sapphire FUE suitable for everyone with hair loss?

Sapphire FUE can be suitable for many individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning. However, the candidacy for the procedure is determined on an individual basis, and it’s important to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon to assess your specific case and discuss the best treatment options for you.

Treatment Summary
Operation Lenght
Operation Lenght
Hospital Stay
Hospital Stay
Full Recovery
Full Recovery
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