Beard Transplant

Beard Transplant

What is Beard Transplant?

Briefly, beard transplant is the process of transferring hair follicles from the neck to non-beard areas. With this process, the person gets natural and bushy beards. Different techniques are used for the process. Beard planting with Fue techniques are very successful and gives natural results.

Before hair transplant, the patient should explain his / her health history in full. If they use regular medicines, they should talk to the doctor. Drugs such as blood thinners should not be used before the operation. Smoking increases the risk of complications during the procedure and slows down the healing rate. Therefore, smoking should be suspended before the procedure. The patient should prefer wide collar clothing that can be easily worn and removed on the day of operation.

Before beard transplant, various tests are performed on the patient. If the health status of the patient is suitable for beard transplant, the planning phase is started. In the planning stage, the beard structure and the level of shedding are determined first. It is decided how many hair follicles to be transplanted. It is designed how the beard of the patient will look after the transplant. The donor region is detected. Nape is generally preferred as donor site. It is the most ideal donor area for nape hair, eyebrow and beard transplant. However, in some cases, hair structure or hair density on the back of the neck may not be sufficient for beard transplant. In such cases, other areas of the patient’s body are preferred as the donor site. Donor areas that can be used outside the nape;

  • Shoulder,
  • Legs,
  • Chest,
  • Chin and
  • Arms.

After beard transplant planning is done, it is time for transplant. Beard transplant is performed under anesthesia. In this way, the operation is carried out painlessly. The procedure is started by collecting the hair follicles in the donor area. Canals are opened to allow hair follicles to be transplanted into hairless areas. The hair follicles collected in these canals are transplanted. After the operation, the donor area is bandaged and the treated areas are left open.

Beard transplant is done in the face of the patient is an operation that must be very careful. The operation must be carried out by an expert team. The physician who will perform the operation should be expert and experienced in the field.

Process After Beard Transplant

Healing After Beard Transplant

The healing time after beard transplant varies from person to person. Some people may recover shorter, while others may take longer. However, after the treatment, the recovery period is considerably shortened.

In the first week after beard transplant, recovery is quite rapid. Crust, redness and itching occur after beard transplant. Shells should never be touched and beards should never be itched. After the beard transplant, the beards that cannot hold their places sufficiently can easily be damaged and die in any stroke. For this reason, it should be paid attention that the beards do not get any blow especially in the first days. When lying down, beards should not be rubbed against the pillow or quilt. It is important that the care products used are recommended by the doctor. The treatments such as crusting, pimples and itching are largely prevented.

After beard transplant, the average time of the beard is 8 months to 12 months. During this period, beard care should be done without interruption. Do not use any products other than those prescribed by the doctor. Especially chemical products should be avoided.

Washing After Beard Transplant

After the operation, crusting and redness are seen in the places where planting is performed. The first washing process is carried out 3 days after the operation in order to remove the crusts. This washing is a very careful process. Any impact on the area where the planting is carried out can cause damage and rupture of the transplanted hair follicles. For this reason, the first wash is usually done in the center where the beard transplant is performed.

The first washing is carried out by experts at the center where the slope is carried out. Subsequent washing is done by the person himself.

Beards should be treated with gentle care at home washing. Washing should not be too harsh to avoid damaging the hair follicles.

Washing should not be done with very cold or hot water. Beards should be washed with warm water.

Water should not be too pressurized.

Do not handle hard during drying. Towel should be soft.

Shock Loss After Beard Transplant

After beard transplant, as in hair transplant, shock shedding phase is experienced. The hair follicles planted at this stage are shed suddenly. One does not need to worry about this spill. Because after shedding, the beards grow again in a healthier way.

How Should Beard Care Beard After Beard Transplant?

It is not recommended to shave the beard with a razor in the first six months after the operation.

The content of the products to be used for maintenance is very important. Care products that contain excess chemicals will not care your beard, and vice versa.

Vitamins and minerals that are useful for hair are also useful for beards. Taking vitamin supplements and eating regularly makes the beards grow healthier and faster.

How is the Beard Transplant operation performed?

Beard transplant is a surgical procedure designed to restore or enhance the growth of facial hair in individuals with patchy or thin beard hair. It involves the transplantation of hair follicles from the donor area (usually the back of the scalp) to the recipient area of the beard.

Here is a general overview of how a beard transplant operation is typically performed:

1. Consultation and Planning: The process begins with a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will assess your beard hair loss, evaluate the donor area, discuss your goals and expectations, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for a beard transplant.

2. Donor Area Preparation: On the day of the surgery, the donor area is prepared by trimming the hair to a short length. Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area for a comfortable procedure.

3. Donor Hair Extraction: The surgeon uses a technique called follicular unit extraction (FUE) or strip harvesting (FUT) to extract hair follicles from the donor area. FUE involves the extraction of individual follicles using a small punch tool, while FUT involves the removal of a strip of tissue containing hair follicles.

4. Donor Area Closure (for FUT): If the FUT method is used, the surgeon carefully sutures or staples the wound in the donor area to close it. The resulting scar is usually hidden by surrounding hair.

5. Graft Preparation: The extracted hair follicles are handed over to a team of technicians who prepare them for transplantation. They carefully separate individual follicles or small groups of follicles, known as grafts, for transplantation into the beard area.

6. Recipient Area Preparation: The recipient area of the beard is cleaned and numbed with local anesthesia.

7. Creation of Recipient Sites: Using a needle or small blade, the surgeon creates tiny incisions or recipient sites in the beard area. The sites are strategically placed to achieve a natural-looking beard pattern and density.

8. Implantation of Hair Follicles: The prepared grafts are then meticulously implanted into the recipient sites created by the surgeon. The surgeon pays careful attention to the angle, direction, and density of the transplanted hair to ensure a natural appearance.

9. Post-operative Care: After the transplant is complete, the surgeon provides instructions on post-operative care. This typically includes guidelines for beard care, such as gentle washing, avoiding scratching or rubbing the area, and following a prescribed medication regimen if necessary.

10. Recovery and Growth: Over the following weeks and months, the transplanted hair follicles will enter a resting phase and then begin to grow new hair. The growth process varies for each individual, but typically, significant growth can be seen within several months, with full results visible after a year.

It’s important to note that the specific techniques and variations of beard transplant procedures may vary among surgeons and clinics. It’s recommended to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon to discuss your individual case, evaluate your candidacy, and receive personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific needs and goals.

Is Beard Transplant a Permanent Solution?

Yes, a beard transplant is considered a permanent solution for individuals seeking to enhance or restore their beard hair. During the procedure, hair follicles are transplanted from the donor area (typically the back of the scalp) to the recipient area of the beard. These transplanted hair follicles retain their genetic characteristics, including their resistance to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes hair loss in some individuals.

Since the transplanted hair follicles are resistant to DHT, they are expected to continue growing hair in the beard area for the rest of your life. This makes beard transplantation a long-lasting solution to address patchy or thin beard hair.

It’s important to note that the success and permanence of the results depend on several factors, including the quality and availability of donor hair, the expertise of the surgeon, and proper post-operative care. The survival and growth of the transplanted hair follicles can vary from person to person. However, in most cases, a significant portion of the transplanted hair follicles will successfully establish and grow hair in the beard area.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon to discuss your individual case, assess your candidacy for a beard transplant, and receive personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific needs and goals. They will evaluate factors such as the quality of your donor hair, the desired beard style, and any underlying factors that may affect the success of the transplant.

Is Beard Transplantation done in Turkey?

Yes, beard transplantation is commonly performed in Turkey. Turkey has become a renowned destination for hair transplant procedures, including beard transplants, due to several factors.

Turkey has a well-developed medical tourism industry, with numerous specialized hair transplant clinics offering a range of advanced procedures, including beard transplantation. These clinics are equipped with modern facilities and employ highly skilled surgeons who specialize in hair restoration techniques.

One of the reasons Turkey has gained popularity for beard transplantation is the affordability of the procedures. The cost of beard transplantation in Turkey is often more budget-friendly compared to many other countries, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking quality treatments at a competitive price.

Furthermore, Turkish hair transplant clinics have earned a reputation for providing excellent results. Many clinics have experienced surgeons who are well-versed in performing beard transplants, using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to achieve natural-looking and satisfactory outcomes.

When considering beard transplantation in Turkey or any other location, it is crucial to research and select a reputable clinic with a track record of successful procedures. Look for clinics that have qualified and experienced surgeons, positive patient reviews and testimonials, proper accreditations, and certifications.

Before undergoing a beard transplant, it’s recommended to schedule a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon in Turkey. They will assess your individual case, evaluate the quality of your donor hair, discuss your goals and expectations, and provide personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific needs.

With Elexus Clinic, all stages of beard transplant are successfully carried out. You can contact us if you want to have a beard transplant in our center and have detailed information about beard transplant prices.

F.A.Q About Beard Transplantation

What is a beard transplant?

A beard transplant is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from the donor area (usually the back of the scalp) to the beard area to restore or enhance beard growth.

Who is a suitable candidate for a beard transplant?

Suitable candidates for a beard transplant are individuals with patchy or thin beard hair, limited beard growth, or those who desire a fuller, more defined beard.

How is a beard transplant performed?

A beard transplant is typically performed using the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique, where individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and transplanted into the beard area. The procedure is done under local anesthesia.

Is beard transplant surgery painful?

The procedure itself is usually painless as local anesthesia is administered. However, some patients may experience mild discomfort or soreness during the recovery period.

How long does a beard transplant procedure take?

The duration of a beard transplant depends on the extent of the transplant, but it typically takes several hours to complete.

Are the results of a beard transplant permanent?

Yes, the results of a beard transplant are generally considered permanent. The transplanted hair follicles are genetically resistant to hair loss and are expected to continue growing hair in the beard area.

When will I see the results of a beard transplant?

The transplanted hair follicles will shed within a few weeks after the procedure, but new hair growth should start within a few months. Significant results can typically be seen within 6 to 12 months after the transplant.

Are there any risks or complications associated with a beard transplant?

Like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, scarring, or uneven hair growth. However, these risks can be minimized by choosing an experienced surgeon and following post-operative care instructions.

How should I take care of my beard after a transplant?

Your surgeon will provide specific post-operative care instructions. Generally, you will be advised to avoid shaving or trimming the transplanted area for a certain period, follow a gentle cleansing routine, and avoid activities that may put stress on the beard area during the initial healing phase.

Can I style and groom my transplanted beard hair?

Yes, once the transplanted hair has grown sufficiently, you can style and groom it just like natural beard hair. You can trim, shape, and maintain your beard according to your desired style.


Treatment Summary
Operation Lenght
Operation Lenght
Hospital Stay
Hospital Stay
Full Recovery
Full Recovery
Return to Work
Return to Work
Life Time Warrity
Life Time Warrity
Luxury Hotel
Luxury Hotel
VIP Transfer
VIP Transfer
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